In the square, an officer is evicting a stall man. In the cafe, a man and a woman are talking about the rumors about them. And somewhere in the distance, three girls are pointing their phone cameras at the cafe.
Huang Zhusheng
Huang Zhusheng was born in Maoming City, Guangdong province, and is currently studying in Beijing Film Academy Department of Directing as an undergraduate. The documentary short film BOHE WITH THE SEA he directed was selected in the 21th ISFVF and HiShorts! Film Festival, and also nominated as the best documentary in MAO international film festival.
Director's statement
In every public event, in every peep into other people’s lives, I have seen the truth disassembled, reassembled, and recounted in many different ways and versions. It got me thinking: Nowadays, how do we deal with the things we see, hear, and experience? Convenient video recording and the infiltration of the Internet have brought us into a Synopticon, where everyone just needs to raise their mobile phones to have the rights to watch and explain, and at the same time being watched and explained. Each shooting and recording creates a subjective truth, and in the meantime based on which each trial. In these trials, we see attitudes, opinions, and emotions, but how do we see the truths?