Guanbu A Week

World Premiere Lu Xiaohao | 2022 | China | 71min | Fiction
Lu Xiaohao|Fan Fancheng|Chen Yanru|Deng Siyi|Chen Qingjia|Li Xiuli, Zheng Jieting, Ji Huanxin, Chen Xiaofeng


Lin Yanting is a senior-three student who coasts through all her classes every day. She skips class to meet a good friend who works part-time, and plans to give up the college entrance examination to work with her. After booking a high-speed train to Guangzhou a week later, they begin their last week in the town together…


Lu Xiaohao

Lu Xiaohao, born in a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, graduated from Hubei Business College majoring in film and television production.

Director's statement

About my hometown, the people and things around me.