The background of the stop-motion animation short film INNERMOST is set in the future featured by highly advanced technologies but collapsed society and civilization system. The cyberpunk-style science fiction world coexists fantastically with the traditional oriental martial arts world. The story follows the emotional entanglement between a long-lost chivalrous couple and a person with regenerated organs starting from a fight for a mystic magic lyre. From the perspective of what regeneration technologies are able of, the short film will arouse the audience to think of how the value of emotions can be magnified or dissolved.
Caochong Maing
Caochong Maing had been a lover of cartoon and animation from school days to work. When he made up his mind to try animation as his next career direction, he found he had missed the chance to study animation systematically in professional colleges and universities as he was no longer young. With no ability of creating 2D or 3D animation, Maing thought maybe he could make some stop-motion animations. Now, at his own professional stop-motion animation studio, he is producing stop-motion animations for a great number of clients including Disney as director and animator. At the same time, he has never forgotten the original aspiration of his foray into the animation world - presenting those original stories in his heart with his own hands.
Director's statement
Inspiration came from a trip during the suspension of school, I accidentally found that the relationship between parents is extremely complicated, what they say and what they think is always contrary, the heart and face are not harmonious, this is the unique cuteness of Chinese middle-aged men and women, so I tried to explore this trait into the story, I found that this expression has a wonderful chemical reaction with my characters. The title is taken from Cortazar’s short story collection, but also from a nap dream, someone whispered in my ear, “If you want to make your own work, it must be called ALL FIRES THE FIRE.